Operator and Labor Information
Moorhead Farm Business Management
Northland Community and Technical College Farm Business Management
(Farms Sorted By Net Farm Income)

Avg. Of
All Farms Low 20% High 20%
Number of farms 72 14 15
Operator Information
Average number of operators 1.1 1.0 1.1
Average age of operators 43.0 45.1 44.1
Average number of years farming 21.4 23.1 22.7
Results Per Operator
Working capital 92,583 26,625 197,529
Total assets (market) 1,235,653 721,771 1,800,384
Total liabilities 772,188 415,809 1,065,019
Net worth (market) 463,465 305,961 735,365
Net worth excl deferred liabs 601,214 366,277 943,895
Gross farm income 496,071 221,479 713,095
Total farm expense 392,231 206,954 492,045
Net farm income 103,840 14,525 221,051
Net nonfarm income 12,437 10,222 3,797
Family living withdrawals 46,418 27,379 61,310
Total acres owned 320.0 250.8 438.3
Total crops acres 1,529.4 924.4 1,975.0
Crop acres owned 284.8 251.0 393.3
Crop acres cash rented 1,197.7 577.9 1,572.8
Crop acres share rented 46.9 95.5 9.0
Total pasture acres - - -
Labor Analysis
Number of farms 72 14 15
Total unpaid labor hours 2,063 1,786 2,400
Total hired labor hours 1,487 455 2,880
Total labor hours per farm 3,549 2,241 5,280
Unpaid hours per operator 1,904 1,786 2,118
Value of farm production / hour 151.38 98.76 153.05
Net farm income / unpaid hour 54.54 8.13 104.39
Number of farms 5
Number of operators 2.2 - -
Owner withdrawals per farm 95,103.2 - -
Withdrawals per operator 43,228.7 - -